Philanthropy Mastermind kickoff – November 5

Philanthropy Mastermind is a group of nonprofit executives and senior development professionals searching for:
  • Mutual support
  • Immediate help for an immediate situation
  • Professional growth
  • How to conquer the tyranny of the urgent (end the ‘whack-a-mole’ routine of crisis management)
  • Efficiency in fulfilling their agency’s mission
  • Greater fundraising effectiveness
Nonprofit executives face myriad challenges every day. How often does your calendar show meeting after meeting, dealing with an upset employee or donor, soothing a sponsor’s perceived slight in an event publication, or calming board members who does not understand why their favorite program’s budget has been reduced?  How can the nonprofit executive break the crisis cycle?
Corporate executives have long used mastermind groups to hone decision-making skills, develop prioritization expertise, learn from fellow members, use the group’s wisdom to solve immediate needs and reduce research time.
Now it’s your turn to reap the benefits of a mastermind group designed specifically for the nonprofit community:  Philanthropy Mastermind.  The program is facilitated by two successful and experienced nonprofit executives, John Gilchrist, FAHP, CFRE and Karen K. Martin, MBA, CFRE. Both John and Karen have walked in your shoes and dealt with the highs and lows that come with nonprofit leadership.
Participants can expect to boost productivity, reduce feelings of isolation and help you raise more money for your mission.
Please join us for an informational session (no sales tricks!) on Thurs., November 5th 5 PM, at the Blue Mesa Grill on Northwest Highway across from Northpark Mall. Call 469-215-1651 for more information.
Philanthropy Mastermind logo

A Division of Philanthropy Focus LLC

All the best,

John Gilchrist, FAHP, CFRE

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